Thought Leader

Burnout recovery expert and founder of Life Choreography Method, Lora Cheadle is a coach who works with professionals who are burned out and with women whose lives have been shattered by betrayal. Lora believes that the key is bringing back the ability to value yourself for who you are instead of what others believe you should be. She explains what the concept of naked self worth is and how she finds it in many things she loves, especially in burlesque dancing. Lori is a very happy and empowered woman, but she has been shattered so many times, especially after she found out about her husband’s affair. She fought chronic self-doubt and shame over being in an uncomfortable situation, found her power, and started living her passions.

Show Notes

🌞 Lora’s summer vibe from a comfortable place. 01:03
😿 Working with women who have been betrayed. 01:51
👧 Magical childhood: little performer, perfectionist, and not used to being imperfect. 02:59
🚦 Warning signs we don’t see in time: it is not possible all the time. 05:27
💃 Dance as joy: choosing your career so that it brings us joy and challenges us.  07:20
🎯 Having a lot of passions: life is long enough to do it all.  08:45
😇 Self growth and self development should be something that is actually enjoyable to do.10:38
🎭 Burlesque pokes fun at all that is hypocritical in ourselves: razor’s edge that teases us. 11:29
🤩 Freedom and self worth: being exposed is an incredible place of power. 14:41
▶️ Reset button: perfect in everything, and things we ‘have’ to be. 17:03
👉 Naked Self-Worth: a place where you can put the good things about you on display. 18:06

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